Use of fireworks and pyrotechnic displays are unlawful within City limits. Sec. 12-43.2. of the City Code regulates the use of and any exceptions.
Use of fireworks and pyrotechnic displays are unlawful within City limits. Sec. 12-43.2. of the City Code regulates the use of and any exceptions.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section it shall be unlawful for any person to transport, manufacture, assemble, store, sell, offer or display for sale, or to buy, use, possess, ignite or explode any firecracker, torpedo, sky rocket, sparkler, or other substance or device that contains any explosive or flammable compound or substance, and is intended or commonly known as fireworks, and which explodes, rises into the air or travels laterally, fires projectiles or discharges sparks into the air.
(b)The provision of this section shall not be applicable to:
(1) any organization or group of individuals which has been granted a permit by the fire official for the public or private display of fireworks or pyrotechnics, provided that such fireworks are stored, handled, transported and used in compliance with the terms and conditions of such permit; or
(2) any federal, state or local government animal or fowl management agency agents acting within the scope of their lawful duties. Such agents shall provide the Virginia Beach Fire Marshal with at least twenty-four (24) hours notice of intent to possibly employ pyrotechnic tactics.
(c)The fire marshal or any law enforcement officer shall be authorized to seize, take, remove or cause to be removed, at the expense of the owner, all fireworks offered or exposed for display or sale, stored or held in violation of this section.
(d)Violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Please include in your application a site plan with marked distances indicating the setup area, shooting location, excess product storage areas, and any other pertinent areas. Applicants must also contact the Special Events and Film Office regarding any required applications and permits.
If you have not done so, your application will be held until such time as all required paperwork and applications are complete. You can view their site by clicking here.
Please understand that no shows will be approved for setup and display on any public beach within the City of Virginia Beach. All shows that would normally take place on any beach shall be moved off shore on to an appropriate size barge.
The Fire Marshal or their representative has the authority to revoke a fireworks permit at any time for safety violations