Fees & Permits
Fire Code Permits are required for a variety of activities and businesses including land clearing, assembly and educational occupancies, and the use, storage and handling of certain hazardous materials.
Fire Code Permits are required for a variety of activities and businesses including land clearing, assembly and educational occupancies, and the use, storage and handling of certain hazardous materials.
Permits are required for businesses that pose unique dangers to occupants and property such as places of assembly and educational facilities as well as those identified above. Permitting in conjunction with annual fire inspections will ensure that fire and life safety features are maintained to facilitate the safe and expedient evacuation of occupants in the event of an emergency.
The current fee for a fire inspection is $50.00. A re-inspection fee of $50.00 will be charged on the 2nd re-inspection and every reinspection thereafter. All fee invoices will be mailed from the Treasurer’s Office. Please contact their office with any billing inquiries at (757) 385-4445.
If a business is placed on fire watch, after 48 hours a $25 fee will be charged. If any business is on fire watch longer than 48 hours, a fee of $25 is charged every seven days until the system has been repaired.
Any business that uses, stores or manufactures regulated amounts of hazardous materials or uses a hazardous process may require a permit. A business with small amounts of hazardous materials as outlined under the Fire Prevention Code may be exempt.
Any hazardous chemicals that are categorized under sera title III and exceed their storage limit must be reported to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Documentation that this has taken place must be kept on site for review by the FPB.
Please review the permits flyer for additional info.
All applications need to be filled out and turned into our office and invoices will be filled out at that time. This includes:
Once an invoice has been filled out for the above items, the applicant must pay all fees at the City Treasurer's Office.
Please be aware that fireworks and pyrotechnic applications must be filled out and payment turned in at the Fire Prevention Bureau office, not the Treasurer's Office.